Good news for those who holds re-entry permit and being stuck in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Maldives, Sri Lanka or Afghanistan!!
The government of Japan has started to allow them to enter Japan since 9/20/2021.
Foreign nationals entering Japan with re-entry permit who were staying in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Maldives, Sri Lanka or Afghanistan with in 14 days prior to entry into Japan, were denied of landing.
But this measure was cancelled for Pakistan on 8/13/2021, and also was cancelled for India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Maldives, Sri Lanka or Afghanistan on 9/20/2021.
Announcement was released by the government of Japan on 9/20/2021.
Check this out ! ( including information for some other residence status)↓ https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/content/001347332.pdf
Don’t forget to check expiration date of your residence status and re-entry permit.
Have a safe trip to come back to Japan!